A Communicator App
One stop system for schools
in a demo meeting with
a consultant that used Rise
for 4 years at a leading school

Book a demo today 👇

See Rise in action

School Management System
Increase school fees by 7-10% annually
Save min 10 hours a term with one integrated system
A Communicator App in ONE system
One stop system for schools
with the Rise school software system

Empower your school

Finance and Admin staff experience day-to-day challenges with systems

Admin and Finance Staff face serious challenges daily in their jobs:
With information being in different systems, Bursars and Admin Officers often struggle with having correct info for learners, payments and more.
Not having correct info for parents & SGB
High expenses on systems. Too many systems
Schools often use systems that do not talk to each other.

This results in work overload, multiple duplicatin and frustration on the school staff side.
Some schools do not have a dedicated Finance Officer in place.

Admin staff are faced daily with work overload on the financial, admin and reporting fronts.

Not having enough time in the day

How the Rise school system
empowers schools

  • A one stop cloud solution for schools
  • No more duplication and overspend on paper
  • Invoice and email statements to the whole school at a click
A lot of Schools have a big challenge with reporting & knowing where they stand financially at this moment of time.

With Rise school software, your Bursar can run the following reports at any given time:

Fee balances per grade / per class / per student
a Balance Sheet report, Budget Plan Vs. Actual - see your school's expenditure at a glance,
General Ledger, Income Statement.
Be in the know of your school's financial position in real time. Report to Principal, FinComm and SGB
Increase school fees income
by 7-10% with the Rise system. Accounting is integrated with Admin, Communication and your School's WCED 043-Form
The Rise school system is one integrated system where finances are integrated with admin and a communicator app.

Bank Feed is live. Match your transactions to the correct account in real time. View Chart of Accounts, Budget Planned vs. Actuals, Journal entries, General Journal.

Batch Invoice a Class or a Grade, Statements per Class or Grade. Create a Cash Receipt or a Purchase Order. Create a Supplier Invoice, an Invoice Payment, a Supplier Return and more.
Bursar and Admin Staff will save min 10 hours per term with an in-built WCED 043-Form report.

With Rise school, your Finance or Admin staff will be able to map from the start all your Income & Expense Accounts to the 043-Form, as they work in RSM.

Financial reports like Income Statement Cash and Income Statement Accrual will save you a lot of time and manual work. Access school's financial position at a click.
Save min 15 hours each term with school specific financial and admin reports and the automated 043-Form

Schools often ask

Contact Leslie on 079 378 2634
or email
to book an interactive live demo with a former Bursar that comes from a school background and used the Rise system daily for 4 years.
Would you like to learn how the Rise system can empower your school?

Benefits for Schools

Empower your school with a one stop cloud system
The first system to automate the WCED 043-Form report.
Increase school fees collection rate by at least 7%-10% with emailing of statements and a LIVE statement on the app, for parents to view.
Save min 10 hours a term with ONE integrated system with finances, admin, reporting and communication in ONE place.
Access Rise from anywhere any time. Fully cloud-based (web-based). Safe and secure.

Schools' testimonials

Mr Alfonso Pereira
Principal, Star of the Sea Convent School

Mr Alfonso Pereira, Principal, recommends the Rise package to other schools:

' We have been using Rise since 2021 and are very happy with the Rise system. It has finances, admin and communication, all in one.

I would like to have as many of our staff members as possible trained in the Rise system.

Before Rise, we were using three different packages, it was pricey and time consuming.

Since the time of joining the Rise program, we have made a big saving by eliminating the need to run a financial and a school admin package. With these savings, I was able to hire an IT teacher. At this time, we all need to save.

Before Rise, it was time consuming especially on the reporting side and on the 043-Form front. I would spend at least a whole day in a room full of papers getting all transactions and info for the 043-Form. With Rise, I get an 043-Form report directly from the system, at a click of a button. It is all there in ONE place. This is a life saver. It saves me and my team so much time."

Watch a live School Forum with Mr Alfonso Pereira where he shows various functions in real time in Rise and shares on how the system empowers them daily.

Shared by Mr Pereira on 5 September 2024

Hanli Mostert
Bursar at Tygerberg Art Centre

I am a truly happy customer.

We have been using the full package now for a while. One of the best features of RSM is

the fact that it's all-in-one.

From finances, to getting all your data in one place, to communicating

with parents. At first the parents were reluctant to use the communication app, but when they've

realised that it is secure and not a "chat room", more parents have signed up to use it.

Being the only Admin person working at the School, it makes it difficult to send out statements regularly.

But with the Billing available on the app, it helps me a lot, as parents can view their statements any time, any place.

I use the chat function as a one-on-one communication platform between myself and parents,

when they inform me of the learner being absent or asking just a quick question.

I use the News function to communicate information, exam timetables, links to exhibitions &

even pricelists on the art supplies. There is no limit on what you want to communicate, within a couple of minutes to all the parents

at the same time. I am a truly happy customer.

Watch a live School Forum where Hanli shows how Rise empowers their school.

Debbie Timm
Finance Officer at South Peninsula High School

Your 043-Form and Budget report are automatically populated.

need to use a manual WCED Cashbook.

When I heard about the Rise School Management system

and the benefits that a school can derive from the use of it,

I was hooked. Being a wee bit "techno challenged", I did not even feel overwhelmed

with my first online training session as Anna and Natassja were superb in guiding me through.

My weekly training sessions have been quite informative as well.

The fact that your 043-Form and Budget report are automatically populated is a huge bonus in itself.

It's exciting that reports can be generated at the push of a button. Watch a live School Forum with SPHS Bursars showing how they use Rise school."

Nastasha Fourie
Bursar, Koos Sadie Primary
It cut my workload in half as I no longer
need to use a manual WCED Cashbook.
Rise School is a fantastic accounting system for schools.
It is easy to use, especially for Bursars who do not have an accounting background.
The RSM school functionality saves us a lot of time.
All learner information is now loaded on our system and easily accessible.
No need for keeping lengthy excel spreadsheets anymore.
The Rise Communicator can work as a very effective tool to communicate with parents.
They receive information on the cell phones immediately.
I can't express how much I appreciate your Accountant's support and training.
She has really helped me a lot and I am excited to use RSM.
I submitted my first 043-Form from RSM in June. I was surprised
at how much easier it made everything for me.
It cut my workload in half as I did not have to use my own cash book
and the WCED's spreadsheet.
Everything added up and was perfect. I am extremely happy
that I attended a Rise School Accounting Session and was able
to convince our school to use RSM. I wish I had started using it sooner.
During this difficult time it has helped me immensely
as it is an easy system to use and not time consuming at all. I
can also work from home when required as the system is online."
Roxanne Abrahams-Sebolai
Bursar at Mary Help of Christians School
We increased worth about 10-15% of our schools fees income."
It helped us a lot to track our school fees. With Rise, we improved on our school fees a lot. With Rise, we increased worth about 10%-15% of our school fees income for the year which is absolutely great. Rise helps us to be on top of things at all times. I would definitely recommend it to other schools. This is the best decision that the school has made in a long time to get this program. With the Rise, there is total transparency. Principal, teachers can know what's happening. That has made my work much easier. I like the reporting structure. I can take it to the principal and say we are 20% away from our goal. I can guarantee schools that do not have the Rise program yet, get the program. It is absolutely amazing, it does wonders, it will increase your school fees and you'll be able to save a lot more time. With Rise you will have time to give attention to things that matter the most. If you want to make things easier, get the Rise, i absolutely love it. View a full Bursar's interview on rise school here"
Andrea Felton
Secretary and Finance Officer, Star of the Sea Convent School
It is very easy in comparison to Pastel."
The top three things that would benefit, especially with Rise, are
the bank system - the bank stream - which is more accurate, your figures are more accurate because it comes straight from the bank.

It is easy to reconcile straight into accounts and approve transactions. Reconciling at the end of month is also very easy in comparison to Pastel, and having to check your bank, cash books and your receipt books. The full testimonial with an audio-recording can be accessed by clicking on this link.
Shannon Manus
Bursar, Immaculata High School
"It's been helping me a lot with accounting, the journals and other things from WCED.
I found the system user friendly and efficient. We needed a platform communicate to our parents other than just sending an sms and something which is more cost effective. Onboarding was quick and easy.

In my role I found the Finance module very useful. Being new in the post I found it helpful and useful. We started the Rise system in Jan. It's been an absolute bliss. It's been helping me a lot with accounting, the journals and other things from WCED.

Month-end, balancing of books, it's just a button that you press. All done. No more manual calculating. Easy to trace your differences if there're any, which I haven't had so far. It also gives me more time to do other things, so I can assist in the Admin block."
Alexia Le Fevre, Chairman of the Board of Trustees
Gaia Waldorf School
"We are excited to move over to a fully integrated management system that could support all our communication, learner data and accounting needs. The system also allows the staff to have a better understanding of the finances of the school, which is very empowering. Your team is Excellent, Friendly and efficient with a lot of support.

The videos on the Youtube channel are also very useful. Your Accountant who assists us on a regular basis is wonderful. Extremely patient and capable and helps us with all our queries and problems.

RSM is a great system for schools and could potentially allow one person to manage all the systems efficiently and effectively.
The Bank Stream and allocating payments and expenses is very user friendly. It is also useful to be able to run reports and have up to date accounting info available at all times. Excellent. The team is friendly, warm and very accommodating. The training is very comprehensive."

Modules for schools

School have increased their school fees collection rate by 7%-10% annually, with the Rise system. Watch the interview with the Bursar by clicking on this link.
Email or fill in this form to book your one-on-one meeting.
Here is the link to the live recordings of the School Forums of how schools use the Rise School Management system.
Would you like to see Rise school management in action?
Rise Financial package for schools
Payment receipts, exemptions, discounts
Schools upped fees collection by 7%-10%
Save min 14 hours with an in-built 043-Form
Report to the SGB and Principal at a click
Access school's current financial position
In-built WCED 043-Form report
School fees balances in real time
Invoice / statements for the whole school
Get more school fees for your school
Income Statement, Trial Balance, Balance Sheet
Integrated with Admin and a Communicator app
Rise Administration package for schools
Inventory management
Asset register
Administrator's workspace
Voter's roll
Labels printing
Marks module / email progress reports
Attendance daily or per term
Behaviour management
Learner data and parents' / guardians info
Textbooks retrieval module
Choose the modules you require to save you hours on end
Rise communication package for schools
Bulk mailing
Integrated with SMS WEB
Integrated with Payfast
Advertising banners
Improve parents' engagement
Communicate to parents at a click
Save R50K annually on paper
School Staff app
A Communicator app
Improve your school's image
Communicate to parents and school staff at a click.
Rise school management system modules
Full functionality for creditors and debtors
Invoice a whole school
Integrated with admin and a mobile app

Discounts, exemptions
Curiosity about life in all its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.
Curiosity about life in all its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.
Financial reports
Curiosity about life in all its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.
Curiosity about life in all its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.
Bank feed
Curiosity about life in all its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.
Curiosity about life in all its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.
Incident report
Curiosity about life in all its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.
Curiosity about life in all its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.
Module Features
Curiosity about life in all its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.
Textbooks records
Curiosity about life in all its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.
Curiosity about life in all its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.
Textbook keeping
Module Features
Module Features
School communicator
Curiosity about life in all its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.
Save R40K annually on paper
Curiosity about life in all its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.
Curiosity about life in all its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.
Curiosity about life in all its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.
Curiosity about life in all its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.
Curiosity about life in all its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.
Linking attributes
Module Features
Curiosity about life in all its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.
Marks sheet
Curiosity about life in all its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.
Curiosity about life in all its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.
Curiosity about life in all its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.
Curiosity about life in all its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.
Progress report
Mark types
School term schedule
Curiosity about life in all its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.
Curiosity about life in all its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.
Mark max points
Module Features
Curiosity about life in all its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.
Textbook movements history
Incident report
Curiosity about life in all its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.
Curiosity about life in all its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.
Textbooks list report
Curiosity about life in all its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.
Textbook Barcodes list
Symbol distribution
School classes
Curiosity about life in all its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.
Curiosity about life in all its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.
Additional external reports
Curiosity about life in all its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.
Curiosity about life in all its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.
Attendance statistics
WCED 043
Curiosity about life in all its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.
Curiosity about life in all its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.
Curiosity about life in all its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.
Curiosity about life in all its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.
WCED Budget
Grade averages
Absenteeism report
Merit list
Curiosity about life in all its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.
Curiosity about life in all its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.
Promotion schedule
Curiosity about life in all its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.
Curiosity about life in all its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.
Mark sheet

News on Rise School Management

This is a blog on the updates, news and events on Rise School Management, a one-stop system for schools.
    Book a demo today 👇
    Contact the Rise SA team
    We are based in Pinelands, Cape Town.
    Be in the know - follow us on social media
    Book a virtual meeting by clicking on this link.
    Start a What's app chat with our helpful team by clicking on this link.
    For sales, phone Leslie 079 378 2634 / 076 818 1895
    or what's app 0741946905.
    Email us at
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