Empower your school
with the Rise school software system

One stop system for schools

Finances + Admin + Reporting + A Communicator App
in ONE system
Finance and Admin staff experience
day-to-day challenges with systems
Admin & Finance Staff face serious challenges daily in their jobs:
Not having enough time in the day
Some schools do not have a dedicated finance officer (Bursar) in place.
Admin staff are faced daily with both admission, administrative and finance tasks.

Empower your school with a one stop system. The 043-Form report is automated, simplifying all the finance related tasks.

Easy access to fees' balances, accounts & reporting in ONE PLACE.
High expenses on systems. Too many systems
Upon completing her training in RSM, a Bursar Assistant from Groote Schuur High School stated:

"I really love this package and hope that we will be using it soon. It will really make things easier in the workplace.

If I had this system to work on, it would be so easy to check on everything".
Not having correct info for parents & SGB
"The facility you have in Rise School
Management for checking school fee
balances would be great for me as well,

as it is always a challenge, to check on fees,
when parents request balances",

Administrator, Highlands Primary.
How the Rise school system
empowers schools:

Save min 15 hours each quarter with school specific reports and the automated 043-Form
Bursar & Admin Staff will save min 15 hours on not having to do WCED 043-FORM (Cashbook) in Excel or manually each term.

With RSM, your Finance or Admin staff will be able to map from the start all your Income & Expense Accounts to the 043-Form, as they work in RSM.

Print your up-to-date 043-Form directly from RSM & submit to the Education Department.
Increase school fees income by 10-15% with the Rise system. Accounting is integrated with Administration, Communication and your School's 043-Form

043-Form is integrated with Accounting. Income & Expense Accounts get automatically adjusted in 043-Form in RSM .

Bank Feed is live. Match your transactions to the correct account in real time.
View Chart of Accounts, Budget Planned vs. Actuals, Journal entries, General Journal.

Batch Invoice a Class or a Grade, Statements per Class or Grade.

Create a Cash Receipt or a Purchase Order.

Create a Supplier Invoice, an Invoice Payment, a Supplier Return & more.
Be in the know of your school's financial position in real time. Report to Principal, SGB

A lot of Schools have a big challenge with reporting & knowing where they stand financially at this moment of time.

With RSM, your Bursar can run the following reports at any given time:

Fee balances per grade / per class / per student
a Balance Sheet report,
Budget Plan Vs. Actual - see your School's expenditure at a glance.
General Ledger,
Income Statement.
A one stop cloud solution for schools
No more duplication and
overspend on paper
Invoice and email statements to the whole school at a click
Schools often ask.
Would you like to learn how the Rise system can empower your school?
Email info@risebiz.co.za to book a call.
Benefits for Schools
Empower your school with a one stop cloud system
  • Admin integrated with Accounting and a Communicator app
  • The first system to automate
    the 043-Form
  • Increase school fees' collection by
    at least 10% annualy
    with the Billing on the app
  • Access from anywhere any time
Schools' testimonials
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We do not disclose your personal information to third parties.

Packages for schools

Would you like to see Rise school management in action?
Email info@risebiz.co.za or fill in this form to book your one-on-one meeting.

Here is the link to the live recordings of the School Forums of how schools use the Rise School Management system.

School have increased worth about 10%-15%
of their school fees income for the year,
with the Rise system.
Watch the interview with the Bursar by clicking on this link.

Rise School Communicator
Book a one-on-one meeting

A school-parent Communicator
with a difference

+ A school-parent communicator
+ Available for iOS & Android
+ Additional users can be added
Up to 3 users included

Benefits for your school:
Communicate with all parents at a click
Improve your school's image
Save R20K on paper annually
Easy to download
Free for parents

Inclusive of:
A training session for school staff
Unlimited News, Resources, Events
Unlimited Channels
Support via phone, email
A one-to-one Chat function

Advertising Banners
Make income for your school.
Learn more here.

SMS Web integration
Sms to parents at a click

FREE bonus
School staff app
Private channels
Access on the go wherever you are.

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Rise Finance management package for schools

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Financial/Accounting package for schools

Dedicated onboarding, training and support team to empower your school and simplify your life. Quick onboarding.

Collect school fees, track income and expenses, report to SGB and Principal.

Benefits for your school
Invoice the whole school at a click
School fees balances in real time
Reduce queries from parents
Email statements at a click
Save R20K on paper annually
Schools upped fees collection by 10%
Save min 14 hours with the 043-Form
Report to the SGB and Principal at a click
Access school's current financial position

Simplify your life with
Exemptions, discounts, petty cash
Email/print cash receipts
A customizable Chart of Accounts
Budget Plan vs Actual
Advance payments

Financial reports
A/R aging
Trial balance
Balance sheet
Income statement Accrual
Income statement Cash
General Journal report

Batch invoicing
Invoice all learners per Class or Grade
Monthly, termly or annually

Supplier management
Capture supplier invoices
Supplier Returns & more
Supplier reports

Rise Administration
Learner data, reports, class lists, class stats
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Rise School Management
One Stop School Management System
Book a one-on-one meeting

Empower your school with ONE
integrated cloud system.

Work under ONE umbrella as a school team.
Reduce duplication, errors and a high cost
of multiple systems.

Simplify your life, reporting and processes

Improve your school fees collection rate.

Financial / Accounting package +
Administration management +
043-Form report +
Plus add any modules below of your choice.

Add-on modules:
+Rise Communicator app
+Rise Billing on the app
+FREE Bonus: School staff app
+Debt collector integration
+Textbooks keeping subsystem
+Marks module (email progress reports)

Rise Communicator
Details in the left block

Rise Billing on the App
Increase school fees collection
Parents see in real time school fees balances on the App.

Marks module
See in demo all functions.

School Staff App
Create News, Incidents
Input Marks from the app.

A debt collector's integration
A seamless live integration

Textbooks keeping system
Textbook issues, returns
Integrated with a barcode scanner
Here is a short video

Behaviour module:
Create incidents via the app and desktop
Parents get notified via a push notification
Demerit system / detention letter

Enrollment simplified
Google forms integration
Save time on manual import

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Contact the Rise SA team

For sales, phone Leslie 076 818 1895
or what's app 0741946905.
Email us at info@risebiz.co.za
Book a virtual meeting by clicking on this link.
Start a What's app chat with our helpful team by clicking on this link.
We are based in Southern Suburbs in Cape Town.
Follow us on social media. Be the first to know of exciting news.
News on Rise School Management
This is a blog on the updates, news and events on Rise School Management, a one-stop system for schools.

    ©Rise SA Business Solutions. A
    ll rights reserved. Rise school management is a signature brand by Rise SA Business Solutions Pty Ltd founded in 2014 in South Africa in response to a growing world demand for cloud solutions. Rise solutions are fully cloud based secure, powerful, flexible and customizable on the user side and the development front. Rise school management saves schools time and money and transforms school's finances and reporting. Contact us to learn more about his exciting game changing system that was developed together with schools towards schools' specific requirements. RSM is cloud software, a school management system that works for schools. It has accounting for schools, administration for schools, financial and admin reporting, 043-Form report, a communicator mobile app and more.
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