Below please see more details on the upcoming course “How an 043-Form and an approved budget work in the Rise system”.
What: A practical one-day course on the 043-Form and the budget applied in RSM
When: 10h00 – 15h00 on Thursday, June 24
Where: via Zoom
Who: Bursars, Admin Staff, SGB members
Why: A detailed practical course on how the 043-Form ties in
with an Approved Budget, Chart of Accounts (COA), 043-entries and approved transactions.
Attendees will learn what mistakes can arise and distort the 043-Form – and how to rectify them.
Attendees will get a detailed 20-page manual, a presentation and templates for the COA, budget.
You will get a live infobase for the Rise system and, upon the course completion, a 30-day free trial, which you can use to input your approved budget, pull Budget Planned vs. Actuals and more.
You get a supervision of an experienced accountant who has been closely working with Schools.
Attendees receive a Certificate of Completion upon completing the course.
How: For an early-bird cost of R600 per attendee, RSVP to before June 18, with your School's name & a number of trainees.
The course includes:
- a live participation via Zoom
- a detailed 20-page course manual,
- a presentation with detailed screenshots with possible mistakes and ways to rectify them.
- The attendees can exchange feedback with others.
- More details on the cost is at the end of this letter.
This is for the fourth time that we are holding a “How an 043-Form and an approved budget work in the Rise system”. This training course is practical and relevant for Schools that work with the 043-Form and an approved budget. It is based on the Rise Team's practical expertise of working with various schools and applying schools' specifics related to the 043-form and the budget process in the Rise system.
It is a one-day course that connects Chart of Accounts, 043-form report, the budget, Budget Planned vs Actual in a practical way. Bursars will be empowered to get a good understanding of how the 043-Form and Budget get applied in RSM, starting with the first building block - Chart of Accounts. You will be able to see the Rise system in action by uploading a Chart of Accounts, creating 043-entries and mapping them, creating the Budget, pulling Budget Planned vs. Actual, assigning transactions and tracking the movement in the financial reports. We will also go through the possible mistakes that can arise and reflect in the 043-Form. We will look at the ways of avoiding and rectifying them.
Below is an action plan of the upcoming course:
1. You will modify a Chart of Accounts (COA) template and upload it into the system.
2. You will create 043-Form entries and keep track of their order.
3. You will map each account from the COA to the 043-Form.
4. You will create the budget in the Rise system.
5. You will allocate income and expense transactions in the Bank Stream with an immediate reflection in the 043-Form.
6. You will learn of the possible mistakes that can arise and reflect in the 043-Form and ways of avoiding and rectifying them.
Here is a detailed program of the course:
10.00 – 10.15: Introduction
10.15 – 11.00: Import the Chart of Accounts
11.00 – 11.10: Short Break
11.10 – 12.00: Creating 043 Entries
12.00 – 12.30: Mapping 043 entries to Chart of Accounts
12.30 – 13.00: Break
13.00 – 13.40: Import the budget
13.40 – 13.50: Pull the WCED 043 Report before bank allocations
13.50 – 14.00: Short Break
14.00 – 14.30: Bank Stream Allocation
14.30 – 14.40: Pull the WCED 043 Report after bank allocations
14.40 – 15.00: Questions & Feedback
Here is some feedback from the past attendees:
Here is the first-hand feedback from the course attendees that did this course at the end of last year:
1. All 7 course attendees gave the course the highest rating 5 (on a scale from 1 to 5).
2. All 7 course attendees would recommend it to schools who struggle with the 043-Form.
3. Please describe your overall impression of today's training.
Edeon Wyngaard, Principal, Firgrove Primary: "I learnt a lot and will definitely be more confident with the O43 and budget."
Debbie Timm, Bursar, South Peninsula High: "I got into the swing as the day progressed. I do feel a bit more competent with regards to the 043 and the chart of accounts and this was probably the best time to run this course as schools get to do their budgets."
Nastasha Fourie, Bursar, Koos Sadie Primary: "Great learning experience".
Leslie Isaacs, Bursar, South Peninsula High: "The training was executed very well and Natassja was very patient and ensured that we understood the content."
Michelle Lekay, Bursar, De Kuilen Primary: "Very insightful and user friendly. My training objectives & expectations has been met. Definitely added great value and boosted my confidence." More feedback from Michelle: "Thank you for the training. It was really a value add and very insightful. It was nice to engage with other Bursarsthat go through similar pains, struggles and joys. I felt good in a sense that sure oh yeah I know a bit more because of the challenges we had. I could add more value in that way. That was phenomenal. Thank you so much for encouraging me to join. The exciting part is that this specific training and all the documents used, the live infobase are still available because I would then use that now in this week and then use the same training to enlighten Clariska and Simone so that they also understand it. And that is awesome because me using this infobase and demonstrating will also speak and address my competency. Thank you for this opportunity." Here is Michelle's feedback in an audio format. Sharing this feedback with Michelle's permission.
Upon the training completion, attendees answered questions on the course content and the taught principles. It is an important part of learning to see that one can answer these questions.
The early bird cost is R600 per attendee till June 18. Thereafter, the cost is R700 for the one-day course that includes a detailed manual, all templates, a presentation and a supervision of an experienced Accountant who has been closely working with Schools.
Your School will also get a 30-day free trial access to the Rise system, if you were maybe thinking of creating your School's budget for 2021 in the system, running the Budget Planned vs. Actual, creating additional accounts and more.
The course will take place at 10h00-15h00 on Thursday, June 24.
Space is limited as we can only take 8 attendees per course to allow for personal attention.
If you would like to do this course, please reply before Tuesday, June 22. In reply to your email, we will email you a quote. Once it is settled, all the course materials and login details to the Rise system will be emailed.