Rise School Management Blog

[Rise Advertising Banners]: Principals' Forum on 20 Sep

We are excited to share that the advertising banners function on the Rise Communicator app is launched. We would like to extend a cordial invite to Principals.

Empower your school with the advertising banners that will be made live from 11 October - the first day of the forth term - on the Rise Communicator app for a testing period of 6 months. 

Enabling advertising banners on the school's side will empower your school 
in several ways:

  1. Showcase your school's services or local community businesses or not-for-profit initiatives.
  2. Increase parents' downloads of the app and parents' engagement 
on the app by offering to parents to showcase their businesses and services.
3. Showcase a cause that parents care for and rally for on the Communicator.
4. Increase parents' engagement and interest of having the Rise communicator app installed and regularly used.

How does it work: 
              2 banners will be displayed:
              The 1st banner will be about Rise solution
             The 2nd banner will be of your choice
        Advertise schools' initiatives or services to parents
        Advertise a local community business or not-for-profit initiative.

What:   Principals' Forum
When:  20 Oct 2022 at 14h00 via Zoom
Who:    Principals
How:    Reply yes to the email invite.
             A Zoom link will be sent out in reply.

Principals who would like to participate in the 6 month advertising period will need to fill in a Google form with details such as the testing period, conditions, revenue share model and clicks. Advertisers will be assisted by the Rise team with creating their banners. A school will be paid out as per the agreement.

If you would like to increase parents' downloads of the app 
to save more paper and resources of your school, sign up here for a testing period via a Google Form.

The deadline for signing up is Jan 31, 2022.
2022-09-08 10:20 New features in Rise School Management Rise Communicator