Rise School Management Blog

A School Forum with South Peninsula on June 23

A School Forum on a one stop school management system with South Peninsula HS took place on June 23. Principals, HOD, Bursars and other school staff were invited from various schools of the Western Cape province.

The Rise School Management system has empowered South Peninsula HS to increase their fee collection with an ability to email statements
at any point. It also saves them at least 10 hours with the 043-Form report that can be time consuming and challenging for many schools.

Ms Leslie Isaacs, the Bursar from the South Peninsula High School,
covered the points below in the Rise School Management system.

1. How fee collection can be increased by at least 5% per annum
with emailing statements and up-to-date Billing on the app.

2. How the automated 043-Form saves at least 10 hours of time per term.

3. How to do a batch invoice for the whole school.

4. How to email statements from the system.

5. How to drill down to each transaction with the Budget Plan vs Actual.

6. How parents can see Progress Reports on the app.

6.1 How teachers can input marks from the app.

To view this School Forum click on this link.

For more details on how RSM can simplify and improve your day-to-day processes, visit riseschoolmanagement.co.za 
2021-07-21 12:36 School Forum on RSM Rise School Management system