Rise School Management Blog

[Rise School new developments]: Textbooks keeping subsystem

Please see an important update on new additions and developments to the Textbooks keeping subsystem.

  • User Interface improvement.
  • Barcode editing and deletion checking.
  • Textbooks movements operational logic improved; action checking, prevention of incorrect issuing, auditing, and returning movements.
  • Improved textbooks movement history report; with filtering capabilities and counts for movement type and textbook conditions.
  • Checking and displaying info re. number of textbook copies vs. quantity On-Hand of inventory item.
Textbooks keeping subsystem interface in Rise
Textbooks keeping subsystem interface in Rise
Textbooks records in Textbooks keeping subsystem in Rise
Textbooks records in Textbooks keeping subsystem in Rise
Textbook movement history report
  • View all the records created on Textbook keeping.
  • Multiple filters to refine data and get desired information
Textbook List report
  • View a list of all textbooks and their barcodes available on the system.
  • Multiple filters to refine data and get desired information.
New features in Rise School Management
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