One of the key offerings that Rise SA Business Solutions is proud of is Rise School Management. Developed in a close collaboration & in a fully-fledged partnership with a primary school in the Western Cape, the software solution is proving to significantly improve School's day-to-day running & various processes. They include learner data management system, student billing, school specific general ledger account, learner/parent communication & more. Currently with two schools actively using the software, Rise School Management is getting constantly improved on & enhanced.
School Forum held at TSIBA Education, Pinelands, Cape Town
School Forums have thus been introduced & launched as a collaborative feedback driven platform for Principals & admin staff from the Western Cape Schools. The purpose of such a forum is to get first-hand feedback & input from schools with regards to their challenges & pains when it comes to accounting, invoicing, billing & other essential tasks all local Schools are faced with.
The two School Forums on Rise School Management system went great with a good engagement from participants.
The next School Forum is on Tuesday, May 22, 2018 at TSIBA Education, Pinelands, Cape Town. Watch this space for more exciting news.