Rise School Management Blog

School Forum on 14 June

An invitation is cordially extended to Principal, Deputy Principal, Bursar, SGB, Educators

to a School Forum that will be held virtually at 13h00 on Wed, 14 June.

Zakiyah Leibrandt, Customer Success Manager at Rise SA, will share the following points:

1) Digitization trends at schools for teachers and admin staff.

2) Using many systems and one stop system. Pros and cons.

3) Using a desktop vs. a cloud system. Pros and cons.

4) Roll out of progress reports. Safety measures taken by the school for learners and educators.

5) How to stay online even with load shedding on. Recent success stories.

It would be great to welcome you and engage with you.

What: A School Forum

Where: Virtually via Google Meet (Google Hangouts)

When: 13h00 on Wed, 14 June

Who: Principal, Deputy Principal, Bursar, HOD, SGB, Educators

How: Sign up via a Google Form by clicking on this link

for a Forum on a first come first serve basis as space is limited

Keep warm in this cold weather. Hope to see you there.

#schoolmanagementsystem, #cloudsystemforschools, #accountingfoschools,
#nomoreloadshedding, #increaseproductivity

2023-06-07 08:07 School Forum on RSM Rise School Management system Accounting for schools