Rise School Management Blog

[Rise School]: School Forum at 1pm on 17 Aug

We would like to cordially invite Principal, Deputy Principal, Bursar, SGB, Educators

to a School Forum that will be held at 13h00 on Thursday, 17 Aug.

Ms Zakiyah Leibrandt will do an intro and share an agenda.

Ms Michelle Lekay, Bursar, will share her feedback on the 043-Form report, bank stream,

bank reconciliation, statements, budget plan actual and more in the Rise system.

Ms Anna Toma will share an update on features and new developments in Rise.

Ms Cyntia De Parse will share an update on onboarding and training.

Ms Anna Toma will share a brief update on the upcoming 043-Form course.

Ms Zakiyah Leibrandt will share an update on how to stay online during load shedding.

Recent success stories.

It would be great to engage with you.

What: A School Forum

Where: Virtually via Google Meet (Google Hangouts)

When: 13h00 on Thursday, 17 Aug

Who: Principal, Deputy Principal, Bursar, HOD, SGB, Educators

How: Sign up via a Google Form by clicking on this link

for a Forum on a first come first serve basis as space is limited

If you know someone who will benefit from attending this forum,
please forward this to them.

Keep warm in this cold weather. Hope to see you there.

#schoolmanagementsystem, #accountingforschools, #schoolsoftware, #schoolsoftwaresouthafrica, #riseschoolmanagement, #RiseSchoolForums

School Forum on RSM Rise School Management system New features in Rise School Management
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