Scottsdene High School has decided to go for the Rise Communicator to improve their communication with parents. They are currently undergoing training on how to create News, Resources, Events, Channels and Contacts in RSM.
Rise Communicator is a mobile app that parents can download for free onto their smartphones. Schools can then post all their communication, updates and news in one place at a click, saving thus money on paper, time it takes to reach out to parents and increase engagement on the parents' side.
Scottsdene HS goes for Rise Communicator, a school-parent communicator
More and more schools can see a great value in using Rise Communicator and Rise School Management, to address the schools' challenges of having too many separate systems and as a result of it too much duplication and manual capturing, which creates too much workload and strain on the Financial and Admin Staff.
Rise School Communicator is a secure mobile app that was created together with local Schools to assist them and parents with regular, efficient & convenient communication at a click. As a result of it, Schools can save on paper & resources, keeping parents up to date with all the updates. Schools can post at a click all the updates in one place for all parents to view:
1. All school's updates; 2. School's changes in rules /policies / opening dates; 3. School events (parents’ evenings, fundraisers and more); 4. Homework per class / grade; 5. Letters from the College of Teachers and BOT; 6. Resources for important videos, documents; 7. Live Billing (account balances).
Parents are able to access all School's updates in one place, at a click directly from your smartphone from anywhere any time.
Rise School Managementis a cloud school software that was developed together with Schools to address their challenges. It integrates accounting with the admin block, automating 043-Form and assisting Schools with their daily operational tasks and processes.
If you have more questions, contact us on 021 180 4787 or email info(at)